Justice Katju’s letter to Pakistani Judges

To Hon’ble the Chief Justice Bandial and his Companion Judges of the Pakistan Supreme Court, Islamabad


Dear Brothers/Sister

I am a former Judge of the Supreme Court of India, and have taken the liberty of writing to you, since I have been greatly distressed by your shameful, supine and impuissant judicial performance in recent times, particularly your cowardly behaviour in not taking contempt of court action against those who refused to implement your order fixing 14th May for holding the Punjab Assembly elections.



If you did not have the intrepidity, doughtiness, fortitude, guts and backbone for getting the order implemented, why did you pass it at all ? Dont you realise you have made the Supreme Court of Pakistan a laughing stock in the eyes of the whole world ?

Please see the links below :







Please also see these videos



I have also commented on the improper behaviour of Justice Qazi Faez Esa ( who is tipped to be the CJP next month ) and Justice Minallah


What takes the cake is the recent sham, fraudulent verdict of Addl Sessions Judge Humayun Dilawar ( whom I have called the Judge Jeffrey of Pakistan ), evidently hand-in-glove with Aamer Farooq, the corrupt Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court, sentencing former Prime Minister Imran Khan to 3 years imprisonment, obviously intended to terminate his political career. In this connection please see the articles and video below :



A basic defect in the verdict against Imran Khan


Imran Khan is now in Attock jail in a small dingy cell with few facilities, but his spirit is still high.




In India our appellate courts ordinarily grant bail in appeals to persons sentenced by trial courts to 5 years jail or less ( unless he is a flight risk ). Hence I advise you to follow the same principle, and immediately release Imran Khan on bail, since he has been sentenced only to 3 years jail.

Doing so will redeem your honour and prestige in the eyes of the world to a large extent, which presently lies in mud

With regards

Justice Markandey Katju

former Judge, Indian Supreme Court

Noida, India





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