Imran Khan in jail

” Sar par hawa-e-zulm chale sau jatan ke saath

  Kaptan ki kulahkaj hai usi baankepan ke saath ”

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan has been sentenced to 3 years imprisonment by a sham, fraudulent verdict by a crooked judge, Humayun Dilawar, who was promptly rewarded by sending him and his family to England

The real object of this verdict was to finish off Imran Khan politically, since the ruling PDM knows it will be wiped out in the polls if elections are held.

I have written an article praising Imran Khan for bravely fighting against the fascist reign of terror unleashed by the Pakistan Establishment

Some people have tried to spread rumours that Imran Khan has become depressed and despondent in Attock jail, that he told his lawyer Naeem Haider Panjutha who went to meet him that he is miserable in jail and must be got out quickly, that he gets fits of anger, has become very irritable, etc.

But what is the truth ? As I have come to know from reliable sources in Pakistan, the truth is that his spirit is high, and all the above rumours are false

He refused food brought by his friend Maj Tahir Sadiq, and said he will only eat the same food given to inmates of the jail, which is dal roti, and some vegetable.

In the evening he takes a walk in the courtyard of the jail, and teaches the inmates the importance of regular excercise, some of which he demonstrates himself.

He has become a hero in jail, and the inmates loudly shout ” Imran Khan zindabad ” frequently, particularly when they see him walking in the jail courtyard.

He only complained once to the jailor about the dirty toilet which had cockroaches, and offered to clean it himself if given a brush.

One is reminded of Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill who in the darkest days in the summer of 1940, when a Nazi German invasion of Britain was imminent, said ” We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight in the air, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender ”.


I am also reminded of Winston Churchill’s words :

” In War: Resolution,

In Defeat: Defiance,

In Victory: Magnanimity

In Peace: Good Will.”

In my opinion, no one and nothing can crush the dauntless, indomitable spirit of the Kaptan.





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