Guest Blogging

Ghalib describes the present situation in India

There is a sher ( couplet ) of Mirza Ghalib Rau mein hai rakhsh-e-umr kahaan dekhiye thame Nai haath baag par hain na paa hai rakaab...

Justice Katju views on Kashmiris

I have joked about many comminities, Bengalis, Tamils, Biharis, Nagas, etc, so naturally people asked me to joke about my own community, Kashmiris. There is...

Celebrating our defeat

Many Indians are celebrating Pakistan’s defeat by England in the T20 World Cup cricket tournament, as if India has won the Cup. These fools don’t...

Swami Vishnudevanand

When I was in Allahabad I would go regularly to a yogi sadhu, Swami Vishnudevanand Saraswati, to learn yoga. He had his ashram where...

The reality of Children’s Day which we are celebrating in India

Today, 14th November, is Children’s Day. How do we celebrate Children’s Day ? By ensuring that no child is abused or exploited, no child is...

How to Study the Qur’an Today: Challenges and Concepts

I take this opportunity to discuss the points briefly, especially the point how to study the Qur’an in the present context. I will share...

Research Tips from Sir Syed

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan has a vast body of writing which defies any easy classification. He wrote on history, politics, sociology, Islam, comparative religion,...