Guest Blogging

The low level of intellect of Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan, the well known British broadcaster, writer and journalist, recently tweeted : Very clear now that Prince Harry & Meghan Markle are intent on...

The Ravish Kumar hoopla

A big fanfare, hoopla and hullabaloo is being created at present on the social media in India over the resignation of the well known...

Challenges Encountered by Girls in the Course of their Education

Education serves as one of the most important tools to bring about the desired social change. It is the primary weapon that can be...

Professor Asghar Abbas, a Sir Syed scholar who taught us how to love Sir Syed

Professor Asghar Abbas, former professor of Urdu and Chair at Aligarh Muslim University and a renowned Sir Syed scholar, died aged 80 on September...

The Lysistrata solution to the Russo-Ukrainian war

On 24th February, 2022 Russian military forces invaded Ukraine, and since then the war is going on. There has been international condemnation of the...

My dream: Justice Katju

I wish to see India as a highly developed, highly industrialised, highly prosperous country, with its people enjoying a high standard of living. But how...

Can the Supreme Court appoint a Chief Election Commissioner

Article 324(2) of the Indian Constitution states : “ The Election Commission shall consist of the Chief Election Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners,...

एक मुक्तिदाता से एक ग़ुलाम तक

इस्लाम एक महान मुक्ति शक्ति के रूप में दुनिया में आया, और यह दुनिया के बड़े क्षेत्रों में फैल गया दो कारण वश (1)...

From a liberator to an enslaver

Islam came into the world as a great liberating force, and it spread to large areas in the world because of (1) its great...

Read Justice Katju on former PM’s killers release

Rajiv Gandhi’s killers have been in jail for over 30 years. Due to their good conduct in jail the Supreme Court ordered them to...