The secret of success of Pakistani female politicians

A controversy is currently going on in Pakistan whether Maryam Nawaz Sharif was rightly made President of the PMLN, overlooking the claim of former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. My own opinion is that PMLN will have a chance of facing Imran Khan’s challenge in the forthcoming National Assembly elections with the glamorous Maryam as its head, but will have no chance with the decrepit, old and battered Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. Let me explain.

Though I have never been to Pakistan, I have been closely watching Pakistani politics. And one of the conclusions I have come to is that to be successful in Pakistani politics a woman must look glamorous.

Consider Benazir Bhutto. Here was a woman brought up in great luxury, educated in Harvard and Oxford, and trained by her father in politics. She had enough wealth, nevertheless after she became Prime Minister she and her Mr 10% husband looted the country ( details of which are in this article

Nevertheless many people in Pakistan stupidly idolize Benazir even today, and think that her heart bled for the poor.

What is the reason for this idolisation ? The reason is that 90% people, both in India and Pakistan are fools

When they go to vote, most Indians will forget the real issues like widespread poverty, huge malnutrition, record and rising unemployment, skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, lack of healthcare, etc and instead largely vote on the basis of caste and religion.

Similarly, people in Pakistan voted for the glamorous Benazir, forgetting her and her husband’s massive loot.

Today what I see in Pakistan are successful female politicians who take great care that they look glamorous, e.g. Sherry Rehman, Zartaj Gul, Shazia Marri, Hina Rabbani Kher, etc

So my advice to females wanting to enter Pakistani politics is to go to the best beauty parlor and get really decked up. Never mind how corrupt you are. No one in Pakistan will bother about that.




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