Justice Katju on disgraceful incident in Lucknow

Today I came to know of a disgraceful incident in Lucknow regarding some Kashmiri dry fruit sellers and how they were treated by some miscreants. Hence I sent this email to Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of UP :
Respected Yogi Adityanathji.

I am writing this email to you in connection with a disgraceful incident which happened to some Kashmiri dry fruit sellers in Lucknow. Some miscreants threw their goods into the Gomti river and allegedly beat them up. Details are given in this tweet, by which I came to know of the incident.


My interest in the matter is that I too am a Kashmiri, and hence I have a special bond with Kashmiris. Moreover, such incidents disgrace the whole of India, and I am writing to you as an Indian citizen.

Please get the incident thoroughly and speedily investigated, and ensure that the miscreants are severely punished in accordance with law. Please also award adequate compensation to the fruit sellers expeditiously. They have come all the way from Kashmir to eke out a hand to mouth living, and must be given full protection.

With regards
Justice Markandey Katju
Former Judge, Supreme Court of India
Noida, UP


  1. Dear katju sir, it’s ok nobody should violate law in India nd culprits should b punished..
    But as a Kashmiri how many times u raised ur voice upon the genocide of ur fellow Kashmiri aborigines…
    People seem to b opposing mere 1% of the happenings in Kashmir shown in the film “the Kashmir Files” nd continue to peddle obnoxious lie that Then Governor Jagmohan Instigated people to leave Kashmir for some doles ,a few kgs rice nd live in open field tents… shameful nd disgracing ..
    Do u raise voice..? Did u approach Honourable justices of India…!!!!?


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