India will be giving leadership to the world in the 21st century

The basic problems in the world today are poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, lack of healthcare and good education, and religious, racial, caste and regional strife.

The 21st century will be characterised as the century in which the historical peoples’ struggles all over the world will be fought out to a conclusion, resulting in creation of a new world free of these evils.

India ( in which is included Pakistan and Bangladesh, for we are really one country only temporarily and artificially divided by that British swindle called Partition ), will be giving leadership to the world in this. How do I say this ? Let me explain.

Before the Industrial Revolution which began in England in the first half of the 18th century there were feudal agricultural societies everywhere. The feudal methods of production were backward and primitive. For instance, the bullock was used for tilling the land in India, the buffalo in Thailand, Vietnam, etc and the horse in Europe. There were no tractors, combines, and other modern machinery then..

Consequently very little wealth could be generated by these backward feudal methods of production, and so only a handful of people like kings, aristocrats, landlords etc could be rich, while over 95% of the people had to be poor. When the cake was so small, very few people could eat it.

This situation has drastically changed after the Industrial Revolution, which having started in England in the first half of the 18th century, has spread everywhere. Now modern industry has become so powerful and so big that enough wealth can be generated to give a decent life to everyone in the world, and now no one need be poor.

Yet despite this new historical situation having been created the fact is that about 75% of the people of the world, especially in underdeveloped countries, are poor, many without employment, proper food and healthcare, good education, etc

This world is really two worlds (1) the world of the developed countries like USA, Canada, the European countries, Japan, Australia, and now China which has broken into their ranks (2) the world of the underdeveloped countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The aim of the underdeveloped countries must be to break into the ranks of the developed countries by rapid industrialisation, for only if they create a massive industry can they abolish the evils of poverty, unemployment, malnourishment, lack of healthcare, etc.

India is the most developed of the underdeveloped countries. It has a huge pool of technical talent ( Indian IT engineers are largely manning Silicion Valley in California, and there are many Indian Professors in American Universities in the Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Medical departments ). Also, India has immense natural resources. So India is potentially an industrial giant, like USA or China, and our goal must be to break into the ranks of the developed countries as China did. Following our lead the other underdeveloped countries will do the same, resulting in the whole world being developed.

The basic obstacle for India in attaining our objective is lack of unity among our people and lack of modern minded leaders. We presently have leaders who polarise society and spread caste and communal hatred for securing their vote banks. We have parliamentary democracy, which largely runs on caste and communal basis. Casteism and communalism are feudal forces which have to be destroyed if India is to progress, but parliamentary democracy further entrenches them. So we have to create an alternative political system under which India can rapidly industrialise and modernise, under modern minded leaders. What that alternative system will be, how can it be created, how much time will it take to create it, and who will be the modern minded leaders, only time can tell and it is impossible to predict. The enlightened sections of our society and the people have to use their creativity for dealing with all this.

For creating this alternative system the Indian people must get united under secular modern minded leaders, rising above caste, communal, ethnic and other barriers, and launch a powerful, united people’s struggle, which will be protracted, arduous, with many ups and downs, twists and turns, and in which tremendous sacrifies will have to be made. There is no other way out.

Once India attains this objective, the rest of the underdeveloped countries will follow suit, and the whole world will become developed, and the basic problems of the world largely resolved.




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