Nasir Jawed

Nasir Jawed is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Operational Research from Aligarh Muslim University. His interest lies in various domains of knowledge, namely Science, Philosophy, Politics, History, Religion, and Islamic thought. Mr. Jawed is also a keen bibliophile who has great regard for books, especially in the above-mentioned domains. 

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G**a and the Death of Nihilism:

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Hajj: The Journey to Mecca

The Hajj, or major pilgrimage, is the annual visit to Mecca to commemorate the Abrahamic tradition and Abraham's sacrifices. Hajj is an Arabic word...

The Battle of Badr: A Historic Triumph in Islam

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When Sir Ross Masood wrote to Einstein

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Seerah – The Greatest Life Story Ever Told

What is Seerah? Seerah, in the Arabic language, means to travel or to be on a journey. A person's seerah is his journey through life....

Jesus Christmas and Abrahamic Understanding

The Jesus (Peace be upon Him): Jesus (peace be upon him) is the commonality between the Abrahamic faiths of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. There are...