
Basic Quranic principles for a healthy society

The Quran and Quranic principles are vital for a healthy society; by ignoring the Quranic principles, no society can develop spiritually or materially. Quranic...

Hajj: The Journey to Mecca

The Hajj, or major pilgrimage, is the annual visit to Mecca to commemorate the Abrahamic tradition and Abraham's sacrifices. Hajj is an Arabic word...

Embracing the Spiritual Significance of the Last 10 Days of Ramadan

As the holy month of Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims around the world bid farewell to a month filled with blessings, spiritual reflection,...

Rationalizing career choices: Deconstructing the stereotypes about humanities stream

The world has produced numerous critical and sophisticated thinkers since time immemorial who have immensely contributed to or were themselves a part of the...

Functions of Management

Every aspect of life requires some kind of management, and this is especially true of any endeavour that relies on human effort to attain...

Neoclassicism versus Romanticism – A detailed dichotomised explanation

Neoclassicism and romanticism are two schools of thought that are frequently seen as being in opposition to one another. The primary distinction between neoclassicism...

Wali Dakkni (The Father of Urdu Poetry)

Knowing the Urdu language and poetry today is a source of tremendous pride and great fortune. The joy, tranquilly, and composure received from reading...

Top 10 Marketing Strategies

Are you interested in hearing what experienced business-people have to say about the different marketing strategies? We analysed the results of recent surveys and...