Ilma Fatima

Ilma is pursuing bachelor's in psychology (hons). Hoping to bring a change even if it's not easy. Discovering new fields of interests. She can be reached at

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If INDIA Alliance Wins

Speculation is rife in India about the prospective results...

The Brave Women of the Indian Subcontinent

Most people hero worship famous political leaders like Abraham...

Declaring Eid in Allahabad

Tomorrow, 11h April, is Eid in India ( except...

Another Farce by Justice Dramaba

Another farce by Justice Dramabaz By Justice Katju A meeting was...

The Role of Women in the Judicial World

I have been motivated to write this article by...

Does the CJP have balls? Asks Justice Katju

Six Judges of the Islamabad High Court have written...

The Wrong Turn

Women should have justice as well as praise, and if she is to dispense with either, she can better afford to part with the latter...


Since 1854, psychology has been setting roots, but its acknowledgment and appreciation have only recently reached the point where people have started to understand...