
The portents of a coming revolution

“ It is surely contrary to the laws of nature, however defined, that a handful of people should gorge themselves with superfluities, while the starving multitudes are deprived of...

Justice Katju Reviews Indian Budget 2024

Some people have asked me to write on the Indian budget presented in Parliament yesterday ( Tuesday, 22nd...

A woman’s self-discovery

Zara is sitting on a bench in a park. In front of her is a long river with...

A Call to Indian Patriots

One single thought must haunt, obsess, torment, agonise, harrow, harass, and madden the minds of all Indian patriots...

Will things change after 4th June

Most predictions in India are that after the results of the 2024 parliamentary elections are declared on 4th...

A woman’s self-discovery

Zara is sitting on a bench in a park. In front of her is a long river with beautiful scenery of hills and mountains,...

The fast moving events in the Indian subcontinent: Read Justice Katju

The fast moving events in the Indian subcontinent By Justice Katju '' Rau mein hai rakhsh-e-umr kahaan dekhiye thame Nai haath baag par hai, na paa hai...