Sajid Bukhari

Sajid Bukhari is a Law graduate from Aligarh Muslim University and is currently a law practitioner at Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court.

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A winter tale – (Kashmir Edition)

An otherwise verdant valley has been transformed into a...

Adapting to the Age of AI: ...

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the intelligence of machines....

Kashmir through my lens

As I walk into the bare, frosted streets of...


INTRODUCTION   Life is a collection of experiences ! In the...

The new cadet in N.D.A.

A friend of mine visited me some time back,...

Mushaira cum Kavi Sammelan in the Indian Supreme Court

On the evening of 20th October, 2008 a grand...

The Tragedy of Karbala and Lessons we should learn

In the Battlefield of Karbala (Iraq), on the banks of the river Euphrates, almost fourteen centuries ago, Imam Hussain, the beloved grandson of the...