Conversation with Reflection

Source- Antoinette Oglethorpe

Cold and flurry wind gave compatibility, But irrelevant thoughts didn’t cause any pity.
The scenery I got throughout the day
Unknown chuckle found its way! Reality hits me when I looked up,
That smile I wore faded and teared up.
As alwavs I’m here on this bank of the river. No one besides me was my biggest fear. “Hey Little Bird you’re perfect!”
They said To understand this, I layed down on the sand.
Going towards the water I found a person, Alas!That was
the same as me.
Which, strange to tell, that image started to speak, “You fool! Why are you being weak?”
Neither me nor you can change the fate
Still, we can start our progress rate.
A drop of water fell down
Vanished the image, and a small ripple formed.
Chirped voice, echoed in my ear
As soon as I woke up,I won over my fear.



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