The Bravery of Moeed Pirzada

I have a poor opinion of most journalists, as I regard most of them sold out, but a rare exception is the brave Pakistani journalist Dr Moeed Pirzada, who has become one of my heroes.
Moeed is a qualified MBBS doctor, but later took to journalism. He had to flee from Pakistan in November 2022 following the murder of Arshad Sharif, another Pakistani journalist, and since then he could not safely return home to Pakistan where his wife still lives. For quite some time he has been living in USA, and has been active in journalism.
A true journalist bravely reports the correct facts, without fear for his own safety, and that is what Moeed has always done. He has been supporting former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, whom 90% Pakistanis regard to be an upright man.
 Moeed has also been critical of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family members, who are regarded very corrupt ( as the Panama Papers and other evidence revealed ). Nawaz Sharif had been convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for corruption by a Pakistani court in 2018, a sentence he evaded by fleeing to London on the pretext of needing medical treatment ( though he was doing politics from there ), and now he has returned to Pakistan with great fanfare, and protocol and other facilities extended to him by the Establishment, which seems keen to anoint him as the next PM, though the vast majority of Pakistanis hate him
For supporting Imran Khan the Pakistan Establishment foisted several criminal cases against Moeed, registering them in several police stations, and so if he returns to Pakistan he will immediately be arrested, tortured, and incarcerated in jail for a long period.
Moeed has also been receiving death threats, about which he has tweeted
Despite all these threats and dangers, Moeed has been reporting truthfully about developments in Pakistan, in the Middle East, and elsewhere through his numerous vlogs ( which can be seen on youtube and twitter ) and articles.
Some of his vlogs are given below
He has also taken my interview
Though most Pakistani ( and Indian ) journalists have succumbed to temptations and/or threats, there are some exceptions who have ‘zameer’ ( character, conscience ) and ‘ghairat’ ( self respect, honour ). Moeed is one of these exceptions.
Long live Moeed Pirzada !



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